Tuesday, May 27, 2014

crystal ball project - SUMMER!!!

Finals is over! I finally have a chance to take a breather. The days after finals were busy with celebrations and fun - but now it's time to get back to work. I've been having fun sketching around without having the pressure to show it in class or to use it for any project. 
Congratulations my friends who graduated! You were all my mentors and my extended family. I am so lucky to be surrounded by so many talented friends around me who inspire me to do great things. I wish the best of luck for them. 

This was what I turned in to my class for our final. 3 story beats from the crystal ball tale by Grimm's Brothers. The story is full of interesting twist and turns and also plot holes. However it was really fun to try to emulate high fantasy; including working with vfx - something I've never tried before. These definitely need more work but I am still proud of how it turned out. I learned so much this past school year. Next year is BFA!! Got to Fire it Up!!


Friday, May 16, 2014

The Crystal Ball

We started on a new project a couple of days ago, and it's based on a Grimm's Fairytale called "The Crystal Ball" you can read it here! The story is short but it's very full of interesting moments and imageries. For this assignment we have to come up with 3 story moments, We are not required to make any characters; but since we will show them it would be a good idea if we design some. This assignment is really fun and I wish I had more time to get into it even more. I chose to base it off medieval Russia. They have beautiful ornate patterns on their buildings. Very fun. Hopefully I can finish these soon and show it when it's finished. Finals week!